Knihovna / Library

růzé texty, vztahujících se k tématu zvuku ve veřejném prostoru. (výběr je spíše náhodný, jestli máte pocit, že něco zásadního chybí, můžete poslat na
some texts about sound in public space. (the selection is rather random, if you miss something, you can send it to

/sound (art) and public space/

Brandon LaBelle - Acoustic Territories: Sound Culture and Everyday Life, Continuum 2010

Open 2005/Nr.9/Sound, nai010 2005

Steve Goodman - Sonic Warfare: Sound, Affect , and the Ecology of Fear, MIT Press 2010

The Acoustic City, ed. Matthew Gandy, BJ Nilsen, jovis 2014

Invisible Places Sounding Cities: Sound Urbanism and Sense of Place, ed. Raquel Castro & Miguel Carvalhais, Jardins Efémeros 2014

/sound (art) and politics/

Kennan Ferguson - Silence: A Politics (in: Contemporary Political Theory, 2002, 1, Palgrave Macmillan 2002)

Ultra-red - 10 preliminary theses on militant sound investigation (2008)

Ultra-red - Constitutive Utopias- sound, public space and urban ambience (2000)

Ultra-red - Five Protocols for Organized Listening (2012)

Sonic Interventions (Intersecting: Place, Sex, and Race), ed. Sylvia Mieszkowski, Joy Smith, Marijke de Valck, Editions Rodopi 2007

Sounding Off!: Music as Subversion/Resistance/Revolution, ed. Ron Sakolsky, Fred Wei-han Ho, Autonomedia 1995

Noise & Capitalism, ed. Mattin, Anthony Iles, Arteleku Audiolab 2009

Georgina Born - After relational aesthetics: Improvised musics, the social, and (re)theorising the aesthetic (in: G. Born, E. Lewis and W. Straw (eds.), Improvisation and Social Aesthetics, Duke University Press, 2016)

/soundscape/acoustic ecology/

R.Murray Schafer - A Sound Education, Arcana Editions 1992

R.Murray Schafer - The Soundscape: Our Sonic Environment and the Tuning of the World, Knopf 1977

Tim Ingold - Against Soundscape (in: Autumn Leaves: Sound and the Environment in Artistic Practice, ed. Angus Carlyle, Double Entendre 2007)

Evental Aesthetics Vol. 6 No. 1 (2017) Sound Art and Environment, ed. Gascia Ouzounian

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(for personal, educational and research use)